In case you no know, the raining mobile app called Snapchat don bring out a new filter wen go make man become woman and woman into men. De technology na advance and you fit make video and not just picture with it. They want to dey make men know how dey look if dey be woman and all the men wen try am, comort are very beautiful women. Dis na endtime tactics to make men con dey lyk to be woman. Waiten dem dey call transgender or drag-queen for oyinbo land. Many pipu don already start to dey test the filter as laughing matter, na just play and em funny die. E no go long before the men go start to dey wear womens cloth because Snapchat done alredy show dem say dey beautiful. E no go long before girls too go start to dey wear men cloth because of dis filter. Tufiakwa. Yahoo boyz done already start to dey test this feature because dating scam sure pass all oda format for 419. That means say, if you fit find oyinbo wai dey look for love, you go quick make money pass all those Sa...
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